Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jeff Cox — Bill Gross to the Fed: 'Get off zero, now!'

Bill Gross talking his book again.

Doesn't the Fed realize that rentiers are hurting? How insensitive.

Did Gross miss that the yield on T-bills sunk to zero at auction?

Bill Gross to the Fed: 'Get off zero, now!'
Jeff Cox.


Chance_Nation said...


Matt Franko said...

"Gross cited a litany of losers under zero rates—pension funds, insurance companies and 401(k) investors, primarily—who will see lower returns ahead unless the Fed starts to normalize.

"Expecting 8-10 percent to pay for education, health care, retirement or simply taking an accustomed vacation, they won't be doing much of it as long as short-term yields are at zero," he wrote."

He is correct... its just taken him 8 years to figure out what qualified people can figure out in 8 minutes...

Malmo's Ghost said...

Well, Bill, if the "normalize" rates you can kiss the consumer based economy bye bye for a long long time.