Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa delivered the closing remarks at a three-day conference held in Quito on Wednesday in which he gave a passionate speech advocating for a redistribution of the country’s wealth.
Speaking at the conference, President Correa argued that in order to eliminate economic inequalities, the country must introduce policies aimed at redistributing the country’s wealth.
He also went on to defend the government-led inheritance tax proposal which he stated would put an end to the “illegitimate accumulation of wealth,” by the country’s economic elite.
During his speech, President Correa criticized the role of the media in its attack against the tax proposal, which sparked violent protests from sectors of the Ecuadorean elite earlier this year.
The Ecuadorean leader condemned Latin American media outlets for what he described as “defending the commercial interests of elites,” arguing that a genuine democratization of media begins with diversifying the ownership of media.
“The Latin American press are some of the worst. They are only subservient to the powers that be,” Correa said.
Media in Latin America have traditionally been consolidated into the hands of a few wealthy families and large media conglomerates.…teleSUR
Rafael Correa Advocates for Redistribution of Wealth
So the inheriters will have to sell the shares?
To who?
For what?
Is not the current era the least expensive time ever to open a new media business?
Blodget just got $350M for Business Insider...
(you do have to be able to read and write to get into that business though...)
You cant eat using a share of a media company....
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