Thursday, August 1, 2013

House GOP members call sequester "unrealistic and ill conceived"

Oh, this is good news you may be thinking? The House Republicans finally realize that the sequester is hurting our economy and it should be done away, you believe? Right??

No, sorry, here's the real truth. The Republicans HATE sequester only because it's hurting defense spending and the military and war, which is America's most beloved industry.

"Cuts in the House transportation measure were made deeper by a Republican move to cut an additional $40 billion from domestic programs and transfer the money to the Pentagon."

Yep, that's right. These motherfuckers want to cut every domestic program--aid to seniors, food stamps, education, housing, you name give the money to the military.

Let's face it, America is a warmonger nation. It's really all we care about.


Tyler said...

Eisenhower's farewell address:

Tom Hickey said...

Let's face it, America is a warmonger nation. It's really all we care about.

Goes with being an empire. You know, the destiny that was thrust upon the US because of "American exceptionalism." It's sick.