Thursday, August 1, 2013

Only 4 days left to enroll in my online Forex trading course! Attendance is limited!!

Mike Norman Forex trading course

Only 4 days left to enroll in my upcoming Forex trading course!

This course is being brought by popular demand.
It will be taught online, Aug 5 - Aug 9

You will learn...

-How to book steady, consistent, profits
-How to enter the markets at important turning points
-How to use time zones to clue you in to market direction
-How to put the odds in your favor on every trade
-How to limit losses without frequent stop outs
-How to take advantage of the news for big gains
-How to use support and resistance the way savvy pros do

I teach you how to operate the ultra sophisticated Oanda Forex platform. This is the best online trading platform by far. I have friends at major money center banks who trade Forex that don't have these capabilities. Tight spreads, no commissions, Forex options, technical analysis, customization and much, more!

Plus...I have an entire part of the course devoted to trader psychology. I teach you the mental tools to

-Trade with supreme confidence
-Take the fear, stress and anxiety out of trading
-Become like a high performing athlete

The class is filling up so don't wait. 

I have taught  many students to trade successfully. Here is a testimonial from one of my former students that sums it up well:


"I was one of the students in the Forex trading course you gave. I personally want to thank you for the profound impact your teaching had on me. I have been trying to be a trader for more than 2 years and I have failed totally. The main reason is that most teaching is based on trend trading and I am a pure contrarian. That makes me see things different that most people. I learned in you seminar that I can make money in the markets following my own personality, without conflicts and internal struggles. This week I enjoyed trading for the first time in my life and I was able to finish everyday in the black. That I owe it to you. Thanks again!" -Rob

For  more info go to

Don't wait, enroll today and learn how to trade Forex like a pro! 

-Mike Norman


Unknown said...

It looks like your pitbull economics site is down. Could you fix this soon so I can sign up for the course?

Ken said...

Are those course times Eastern? So starts at 3 AM West Coast?

mike norman said...

Mike: site seems to be working okay now.

Sign up here:

mike norman said...


Yes, however, the course will be taped and archived, so if you miss anything you can make it up. And I will help you get caught up one-on-one.

We may also start a bit later. I am checking the foreign enrollment now and I think this will be possible.

mike norman said...


You can also email me if you're having trouble.

-Mike Norman

Unknown said...

It's up. Thanks!