Thursday, August 15, 2013

Randy Wray — Banks Don’t Lend Reserves! Who Knew? MMT, That’s Who!

OK so it took almost four decades but finally the mainstream is waking up to the fact that banks do not “lend out” reserves (except to one another in the fed funds market). The whole “deposit multiplier” story that was taught in every American money and banking textbook is wrong. Always has been wrong.
(Just an aside: the mistake was largely an American deal. British students got to use Charles Goodhart’s text, which always got it right. But generations of Americans as well as foreigners who studied in America were misled by our textbooks.)
If our policymakers who art in Washington understood this, we would not have got QE. Or all the hyperinflation hyperventilating by those who fear that the trillions of dollars of excess reserves will get “lent out” and cause prices to go to the stratosphere.
Banks do not “use” reserves as the raw material for loan-making. Rather, they lend out their own deposits, which are created by keystrokes. Post Keynesians have been saying this since a seminal piece by Basil Moore was published in 1979 (and it is easy to find early precursors all the way back to the dawn of time–as I demonstrated in my 1990 book, Money and Credit in Capitalist Economies).
Economonitor — Great Leap Forward
Banks Don’t Lend Reserves! Who Knew? MMT, That’s Who!
L. Randall Wray | Professor of Economics, UMKC


Anonymous said...


Matt Franko said...

Hey great news one more non-moron identified here...

That probably puts us up over 1,000 globally now...

1,001 and counting.... only 7 billion to go!

(Somebody should send this to Bernanke....)


Anonymous said...

a 'naked capitalism' post seems like an easy win... why not?

Art said...

Matt, you don't need anywhere near that number to turn things in a positive direction...

Anonymous said...

anyone know how to get this posted on 'naked capitalism'?

Seems like a no-brainer to me. I just don't have 'Yves' email...

Matt Franko said...

I know Art... ;) rsp,

Tom Hickey said...

@ y

Please email me at tom dot hickey at yahoo dot com. Thanks.

Roger Erickson said...

The Orthodox don't read MMT? Who didn't know?

Or read Marriner Eccles? Or banking operations? Or accounting operations?

So what DO they read? Their choir notes?

Anything else?