Friday, August 16, 2013

Theresa Riley, Bill Moyers & Company — Wisconsin Democrat who infiltrated ALEC: ‘They don’t want people involved in the political process’

I'd be shocked it this were not already so well documented. But here is a first hand report by an "infiltrator" on the neoliberal mind in action.

Here's an illustration of their idea of representative democracy."
One guy I was talking to, who was from one of these right wing think tanks was saying we need to curb Obama’s reckless power with these administrative regulations, and he wanted a federal constitutional amendment saying Congress has to approve federal regulations. I said, I don’t think most people are going to want to amend the Constitution for that. I don’t think that ignites people. Maybe it does on the far right, but most people don’t really care about that. And he said, “Oh, well, you really don’t need people to do this. You just need control over the legislature and you need money, and we have both.”
That sentiment was underscored so many times to me, that they don’t want people involved in the political process, or in the policy process. And that seems to be the intent in a lot of ways: You have a think tank in every state and all they do is come up with these very, very regressive policies, you have corporations who are going to benefit so they fund it all, and then you have the legislators as your foot soldiers to carry out the tasks.
The best government that money can buy. And the best equipped security force to enforce it. The difference between fascism and communism is that fascism is corporate statism, and communism is corporate statism. Just a matter of emphasis. A neo-feudal elite are in control in both.
 I was really impressed by their infrastructure. I mean, we would never duplicate something like this on the left because, first of all, we would never take instructions from corporations, but the coordination that they have between these policy think tanks, the money and the legislators, in terms of just driving an agenda, it’s incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m fascinated by it because I’ve never seen anything like it from the left. I was the public policy director at Planned Parenthood, so I’m very familiar with building infrastructure. We did a lot of that in the state of Wisconsin. But we have nothing that I know of on the national front that connects all these things.
It is a well-oiled machine. They’re really organized, they’re really coordinated and they have the resources. And they’re not afraid to push it when they have the opportunities. Now they have 24 state legislatures that are Republican controlled and they have Republican governors. So they’ve had incredible success. They’ve had 71 bills introduced just this year that make it harder for most people who are injured to access the courts. We’ve certainly seen that here in Wisconsin. That was one of the first things that Walker did when he came in was push this tort reform through.
The Raw Story
Wisconsin Democrat who infiltrated ALEC: ‘They don’t want people involved in the political process’
Theresa Riley, Bill Moyers & Company


Roger Erickson said...

just corporations?

Tom Hickey said...

Well, the incorporated billionaires, too.

Roger Erickson said...

Say, I've got an idea! Let's incorporate the Middle Class. :)

Roger Erickson said...

M-Class, Inc. ? :)

i.e., fight F.I.R.E. with mcF.I.R.E.

Tom Hickey said...

It's called trade unionism and it is prominent in The Communist Manifesto. The lower 80% and organizing to equalize power across classes is the nightmare of the ruling class, and preventing that ever happening is one of their chief objectives.

Roger Erickson said...

keeps coming back to family, clan & class warfare?

simply because we don't set more worthy challenges for ourselves?

when we're bored, we descend into petty bickering

if we have better things to do, humans are the most cooperative species on the planet?

so we need to propose many group challenges, AND develop methods for recruiting most people TO those challenges (give 'em few options)