Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Power Of The Wealth Lobby. It's Disgusting Hubris. Some Are Blind To It. Others See Wealth As Superior Wisdom.

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

So what's it gonna be? Democracy by crowd wisdom, or oligarchy by idiocracy? If the latter, why not Central Planning by other means?

What if the aristocracy have no brains, just blind greed?

EU Ideologues “Crowd Out” Sanity
“[The EU’s leaders] ‘don’t want the [European Investment Bank] EIB crowding out private investment.’ "
Let me get this straight, they don't want aggregate options to crowd out prerogatives claimed by the few?

Why not?

They don't LIKE the tide of progress, change & evolution ... AND democracy?

Let's see 'em try to stop it! No matter how "successful" they are, it'll start up again after their tombstone is placed (if not before).

There's no stopping King Cahoots? We'll see.

Carrying on, what's an anagram for all the oligarchs? (Or for Neo-Gliberals.)

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