Saturday, September 5, 2015

Alexrpt — “F**K the EU”. After tearing apart Syria and Libya, White House tells Europe it will not help with refugee crisis

Another cost of being vassals. But the US was not alone in this. Then French president Sarkozy was behind the Libya fiasco.

Red Pill Times
“F**K the EU”. After tearing apart Syria and Libya, White House tells Europe it will not help with refugee crisis


Matt Franko said...

Whitehouse is "out of money!" so sorry...

Septeus7 said...

Interesting how both countries responsible for the crisis i.e. the USA and Israel aren't gonna take refugees despite the fact we have better capacity for handling the situation. But no, poor Sweden and Germany have to take brunt and be guilt tripped about having too many blondes or something by so-called progressive left who are biggest shills for this neoliberal assault on socially democratic nations.

The elites are importing the global south as "refugees" most of whom are men of fighting age to destabilize and destroy all European social democracies because they know that importing jihadist Muslim men in mass i.e. Hijrah will create massive conflict and cause the collapse Europe into Balkanized ethno-religous mircostates murdering social democracy and European worker's rights in their cradle and so-called leftwing cheers the permanent destruction of social democracy with thunderous multicultural identity politics based applause.

So you sit and back wonder why Donald Trump goes more popular everyday? Keep it up guys and David Duke will be president in in 2024. I told you guys at the beginning that the only true opposition neoliberalism was Golden Dawn style fascism and I was right and the public knows it. Even Hilter could not have wrecked Europe to the degree that these unelected EU elites are doing. Fighting WW2 was a huge mistake.

The elites are doing this: cause the plan is to kill the nation-state and all of western civilization and rule over the wreckage with private military companies while hiding away in private resorts. The future really is Elysium or Mad Max.

So congrats to US State Department and the plan was a success and the EU and Europe is now literally fucked and sacked.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any sympathy for the European countries or any others that sign on to what the US is doing world wide, for the benefits that accrue to them, such as their not having to spend their wealth on their own defense, when the US will do it for them. They are just parasites. The US could be very easily isolated if such countries joined the resistance against the US instead of joining in the mayhem.

Ignacio said...

Septeus7 this 'refugee' crisis is a piss in the ocean. (less than 0.01% of European population).

Turquey, Lebanon and other countries are flooded of refugees in comparison (Lebanon: 25% of the population! collapsing). More hilarious yet is that other fellow 'arab' nations are not taking more refugees.

The whole region is a mess of overpopulation, (relative) resource scarcity, poverty etc. In this environment is easy for others to exploit chaos (neocons) due to weak social structures and states. In Syria there was already internal displacement because droughts (climate refugees), add a war and the result is predictable...

Is not this 'refugee' crisis what is triggering anything, it has been going for years and now most south-central Europe countries (plus UK) have a large segment of their population Muslims. France has a severe problem, and that's why the FN is ever raising.

Off course MMT policies in Europe would be the biggest call effect for migratory pressure. The only reason the refugees are avoiding places like Greece and to a lesser degree Italy is because they know unemployment and economic situation is bad. There are also already hard right government, due to the austerity applied in that regions, in East Europe who will do everything to avoid refugees in.

TL;DR: the refugee crisis is a piss on the ocean, 'problem' started way back then.

Random said...

"Fighting WW2 was a huge mistake. "
Total bullshit. The Nazis were nuts and we would have to fight them sometimes.
After the war, it led to full employment until the mid 1970s, as if you can have full employment bombing Germans...

Tom Hickey said...

The chief war crime was the bombing the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which had zero military significance other than to send a signal to the Soviet leadership. Same with Dresden which was revenge for the bombing of London. Not on the level of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but pretty bad.