Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dollar showing signs of weakness

Forex courses Pitbull Economics

The  dollar  is at a 3-week low against the Aussie and British Pound. It's at a one-month low against the Mexican peso.

This comes as speculation has been increasing about a Fed rate hike tomorrow. If so that would would be the first in nine years.

This dollar weakness could all be reversed if the Fed does raise rates, however, I  think that the rate hike (if it happens) is already well discounted and the whole thing could end up to be a "buy the rumor, sell the news" type of event.

On the other hand if the Fed doesn't raise then the dollar will almost certainly sell off further.


Random said...
Pre fed comment from Brian in Canada. :)
Promote to post please.

Random said...

Love the end quote in that blog as well ;)