Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Here's why you should think twice about Hillary Clinton


John said...

Thinking once should be sufficient.

Dan Lynch said...

I prefer not to think of Hillary at all.

Peter Pan said...

Hillary is yesterday's woman, now being eclipsed by Bernie Sanders.

Tyler said...

Bernie is too old to be president. He would be 75 on Inauguration Day.

mike norman said...

I like all these comments.

Anonymous said...

Are you seriously ready for Hillary?

Goldberg: Are you really ready for Hillary?

Meet The Clintons

Why Hillary Clinton Must Not Become President
by James Corbett
March 21, 2015
As any number of recent derailments will bear witness, some freight trains are so big, so unstoppable, and carry so much forward momentum that putting the brakes on them is virtually impossible. They’re coming, like it or not, so the only way out is to plow ahead or fly off the rails. Such is the case with the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential run.
No one should be surprised that the campaign is already soaked in scandal before it has even officially begun. And no one should be surprised when she goes ahead with it anyway. Like it or not, here she comes.
The list of reasons why Hillary must not be allowed in the Oval Office is lengthy, but any list that did not include the “Clinton Body Count” at the very top would be burying the lede. The body count (newly updated for Hillary’s 2016 run!) is a list of murders, “suicides” and suspicious deaths of people who have crossed paths with the Clinton political machine and not lived to tell the tale. Although some of the people included on the list are questionable or rely on speculative leaps to associate with the Clintons (JFK, Jr., anyone?), some, like Vince Foster, are by now widely recognized to be examples of politically-motivated assassinations.
As I elaborated in a previous episode of The Corbett Report podcast, Vince Foster was a former partner with Hillary at her Rose Law Firm in Arkansas who, as deputy White House counsel, had been tasked with forming the Presidential Blind Trust. After an unusually lengthy 6 months of work on the trust, and after penning a memo stressing that Whitewater is “a can of worms that you shouldn’t open” and giving a speech about personal integrity, he confided to his wife that he was thinking of resigning the position. He scheduled a personal meeting with President Clinton on July 21, 1993, presumably for the purpose of tendering his resignation, but he never made it to the meeting; he was found dead at Fort Marcy Park the evening of July 20th.

Anonymous said...

There was no White House logbook entry of his exit from his office that day. His office was looted by Clinton’s Chief of Staff before police had even identified the body as Foster’s and his documents (including those from his personal safe) were taken to the Clintons’ private quarters. The position the body was found in was so unusual that investigators were forced to note that in their decades of experience they had “never seen a weapon or gun positioned in a suicide’s hand in such an orderly fashion” (an opinion backed up by independent forensic experts). Neither Foster’s fingerprints nor his blood were on the gun, and his wounds contained no gunpowder or bullet fragments that could be matched to the gun. His wife was asked to identify a different gun than the one found at the crime scene. Witnesses claimed altering of testimony by the FBI and even filed lawsuits for witness tampering. His death, needless to say, was ruled a “suicide” and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit not only prevented the Wall Street Journal from publishing a story about a sealed report on the case, it stopped them from publishing the court’s own ruling.
Foster’s death is illustrative of the types of cases found in the Clinton Body Count. Journalists, lawyers, political associates and underlings, bodyguards, fundraisers, witnesses, mistresses, victims of harassment; some of the highly suspicious deaths surrounding the Clintons may be explicable, but the list in total, like the list of dead JFK witnesses, stretches the bonds of “coincidence.”
Sadly, the Clintons’ political record offers no divergence from the bloodthirsty quest for power that such a body count would suggest. Needless to say, both Bill and Hillary are admitted globalists, committed to “Poppie” Bush’s vision of the New World Order. Bill (admittedly) attended the 1991 Bilderberg conference shortly before his surprise election and Hillary (secretly) attended the 2008 Bilderberg conference where a backroom deal was (allegedly) struck to make her Secretary of State in return for conceding the presidency to (hand-picked puppet) Obama. Hillary “joked” that the CFR offices being so close to the State Dept. office meant she didn’t have far to go to receive her orders. One CIA source has asserted that Bill was recruited by the CIA as part of “Operation Chaos” during his student days at Oxford and another confirmed that he had filed a CIA informant report for the agency at a peace event in Oslo in 1969.
No surprise, then, that the years that Bill presided as Governor of Arkansas with Hillary as his partner-in-crime saw the state racked by scandal, cover-up and controversy. One of the most egregious of these connections is the drug running that went on in Mena, Arkansas as part of the CIA’s Iran-Contra connections. Terry Reed, one of the infamous Air America pilots running opium and heroin out of Laos for the CIA during the Vietnam war, talked openly about the CIA’s operations in Mena, and Barry Seal, a confirmed covert CIA pilot and drug smuggler, moved his operation to the Mena airport in the early 1980s. All of this occurred under Clintons’ (allegedly vacuum-like) nose during his time of governor, a fact that has been repeatedly brought out and covered up in the decades since.

Anonymous said...

The Mena connection is only the most spectacular of Clinton’s many scandals during his time as governor, however. The Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA), created in 1985 at Clinton’s urging, was, as chief issuer of the state’s bonds, a license to print money. Its structure had been drafted specifically to keep its decision-making process opaque to the public, but the main recipients of ADFA money was no secret: Bill’s election campaign, his circle of friends, and Hillary’s Rose Law Firm. According to longtime Clinton associate Larry Nichols in The Clinton Chronicles:
“If you needed a million dollars, you had to get your application handled by the Rose Law Firm, pay them $50,000. There were five other companies in the state of Arkansas that were actually more qualified in bond structuring and applications, but Rose Law Firm got ’em all. I started checking around, and I kept asking, well you know, one thing’s bothering me — to the comptroller, Bill Wilson. ‘You know, how did people make payments on these loans?’ He looked at me, he said, ‘They don’t.'”
Hillary’s own record as legislator is no less defined by controversy and scandal, and her hands are no less covered in blood than her husband’s. A war hawk who seemingly has never seen an opportunity for American military involvement that she didn’t like, she voted for the Authorization for Use of Military Force that is the carte blanche for Bush, Obama and any future president to wage any type of war, invasion, or “kinetic military action” they like in the name of the “war on terror.” She voted for the Iraq War (before she pretended to be against it). She presided over the NATO destruction of Libya as Secretary of State and openly gloated about the assassination of Gaddafi while the TV cameras were rolling. She is infamously neck deep in the Benghazi scandal and has been a rabid supporter of the State Department neo-Nazis who led the Ukraine coup.

Anonymous said...

Give her extra points for occasional honesty, though. At least she admits that the US created Al Qaeda and has supported them in their struggle against their mutual enemy, Assad.
Against a record like this, Hillary’s other transgressions — transgressions that would be enough to scuttle any other candidate all on their own — seem minor in comparison. She is abominable to those who serve under her, with assignment to her Secret Service detail considered a form of punishment. Her press team is infamously secretive and hostile to reporters and the public. She is an inveterate liar, going so far as to adopt ridiculous fake accents to ingratiate herself to any given audience. She ordered diplomats to spy on UN officials.
Some would wonder how she could still be a serious contender for president given all of the foregoing. Those who know how the two-party duopoly really works will know that this resume in fact makes her the perfect candidate for the banksters and well-connected globalists who actually control the Oval Office. The real question is how can the nightmare of a Hillary Clinton presidency be averted before it comes to fruition.
If you believe the press surrounding an upcoming film on Barry Seal, it may be a movie that blows the lid off the Clintons’ deep dark secrets. The movie is to be directed by Ron Howard and may star Tom Cruise as Seal. Although Hollywood can occasionally tell these types of stories in non-whitewashy ways, as Kill The Messenger supposedly did (I haven’t seen it), I’m personally very doubtful that any big budget Ron Howard/Tom Cruise popcorn flick is going to indict two living presidents as drug runners for the world to see, especially in an election year. In other words: don’t hold your breath for the Barry Seal flick to even get made, let alone get into the intricacies of Bush, Clinton and CIA drug running.

Anonymous said...

As I discuss in my most recent video at corbettreport.com, Bill Clinton’s seemingly never-ending list of sexual molestation and harassment allegations could disgrace the Clintons and keep Hillary out of office…if the story gains traction. Of course all it takes is for a relatively obscure comedian to tell a comedy club to “google Bill Cosby rape” for Cosby to become the number one story in America for weeks on end and to effectively end the comedian’s career. But a president who has almost the exact same record of rape allegations and out-of-court settlements? Hardly a peep in the media. There is the occasional story about this in the establishment press, but unless “google Bill Clinton rape” goes mega-viral, don’t hold your breath for the New York Times or 60 Minutes to do an in-depth story on this either.
Of all the Clintons’ many Achilles heels, perhaps the one that is most likely to actually gain traction is Hillary’s email woes. As we all know by now (heck, even Obama knew), Hillary set up a private email server to conduct official government business. As we also know by now, this is likely illegal. Not Clinton Body Count illegal, of course, or CIA drug running illegal, but hey, it was tax evasion that brought down Capone, so you never know. And this scandal has the added bonus that it plays into the Republicans’ show trial on Benghazi so there is some left/right meat to be chewed on here. Of course, if this is the crime that ends up as Hillary’s undoing, it will likely be dealt with in such a way that the deeper scandal involved — that of the pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation — never gets revealed, let alone the Clinton mafia’s real crimes. But at this point, any derailment of Clinton 2016 would have to be welcomed.
Sadly, though, it is quite possible that none of these scandals are brought out into the open. It is equally possible that the establishment has already selected their candidate for 2016, or, testing the winds of public sentiment, they decide that Hillary is too much of a liability and decide not to back her. In that case we can expect some meme to enter into the establishment media through the usual Mockingbird channels, perhaps that she’s too old and out of touch, or that her head injury is worse than she let on. And just like that, she’ll be discarded like yesterday’s newspaper and the Clintons will be put out to pasture.
The other possibility, of course, is that Hillary actually prevails and gets elected. But that is an outcome almost too ghastly to contemplate.
One thing is for certain. If we are to have any hope in bringing any of the Clintons’ true crimes to the public’s attention, we can’t wait for the media to do it for us. We’ll have to roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves.