Wednesday, September 9, 2015

If at First you don't succeed...

No wonder many are all trying to get the hell out of there and come here.


Peter Pan said...

Wow, what kind of a culture do they have over there?

Tom Hickey said...

It's a "rational" choice. The damages for killing a pedestrian are relatively low, whereas the driver is responsible for funding the recovery and disability caused by the accident, which may last a lifetime, running into much, much more money than just finishing the job.

Peter Pan said...

It is only "rational" if you are a sociopath.

Have they not heard of car insurance?
Do they not have a public health care system or disability benefits?

If they are intent on holding someone responsible for injury, then the death penalty would be appropriate for a traffic fatality. Perhaps they should execute immediate family members and relatives just to make sure it is enough of a deterrent.


Peter Pan said...

Maybe this is National Post, Slate Magazine way of stirring up trouble. Sensationalist rags looking for clickbait...

Tom Hickey said...

Don't drink and drive in China. DUI + vehicular homicide = capital offense.

Death sentence for driver who killed 6

Peter Pan said...

I don't have a problem with the death penalty for drunk drivers or ones that deliberately run over victims multiple times. But this mentality of paying out compensation... I cannot fathom it. I live in a capitalist country, where money and wealth are worshiped, and most people would find this disgusting.

This guy is going to be executed because his family failed to cough up enough money. $3600 per head, in this case.

Feudalism: alive and well in China?

Peter Pan said...

Numbers for China
20.5 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants. In Canada, the number is 6.
275,983 deaths.

I'll assume these really were accidents, for peace of mind.

Anonymous said...

Reminds of the movie "From Paris with Love", where after Travolta kills a number of Chinese gangsters, his partner asks, how many are left. Travolta replies, "about a billion."

Marxism did away with a conception of the human person. For materialist humans are biological machines. Nothing more than matter. So of course, they are dispensable and disposable.