Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jim Rogers: mind blowingly perfect when it comes to being wrong!

After years of telling us how the dollar was going to get killed because of Fed "money printing" he inexplicably gets bullish at the top. Amazing!!



The Just Gatekeeper said...

Nice shades Mike- these videos are going Right Into The Danger Zone.

mike norman said...

Here you go!

Danger Zone.

John said...


The impersonation is funny, but the least you can do is give Jim Rogers the courtesy of addressing him from an exercise bike. Don't forget to puff and pant and pull funny faces.

Someone once said of Jim Rogers, that he's overwhelmingly a futures trader and doesn't lose all that much rolling his positions over when he's wrong. He's got enough money to ensure time's on his side. Apparently, if you're trading spot and taking his advice, he'll send you to the poorhouse in no time. No idea if that's true, or if it makes any sense.

In any case, you have to wonder how many people have lost their savings taking advice from these libertarian market gurus, and how they ended up so damn rich (Marc Faber included).