Thursday, November 5, 2015

Food & Water Watch — TPP Text Reveals Broad New Powers to Attack Food Safety, Food Labeling Laws

Today, the Obama administration released the long-secret text of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal that would weaken consumer protections, undermine U.S. food safety standards and prevent commonsense food labeling. The language included in the TPP is more aggressive than previous trade deals and provides broad new powers for other countries and foreign corporations to challenge U.S. food safety and food labeling measures.

“The TPP is a giveaway to big agribusiness and food companies that want to use trade deals to attack sensible food safety rules, weaken the inspection of imported food and block efforts to strengthen U.S. food safety standards,” said Wenonah Hauter, Food & Water Watch executive director. “The food and agribusiness industries inserted language into the text of the TPP that will undermine U.S. food safety oversight and expose consumers to risky imported foods.”…
Common Dreams
TPP Text Reveals Broad New Powers to Attack Food Safety, Food Labeling Laws
Food & Water Watch


Septeus7 said...

You guys guys don't like diverse and authentic ethnic foods? You are all racists.

Carlos said...

With all due respect, we don't want any more slack assed US regulated (GMO, over processed, fructose laden) food being imported into Australia.

"FREE" Trade ... What a joke. Whenever an American uses the word "free", at least we know there's always a crock of shit to follow.

Peter Pan said...