Thursday, November 5, 2015

Jared Bernstein — Pls read and summarize… [TPP]

Here’s the text of the TPP. Those of us who said we couldn’t take an informed stand on the agreement until we read it, while grousing about the secrecy of the drafting must now slog through the damn thing.
Jared Bernstein | On the Economy
Pls read and summarize…
Jared Bernstein

1 comment:

Carlos said...

I read about one page and gave up as the bile rose up my throat.

How could any sane Government give up its power and sign that piece of garbage on behalf of its citizens in good faith?

It's a Barons charter, Magna Carta on steroids. Guaranteed property rights and freedom to exploit peasants anywhere in the world with no interference from the sovereign.

Be very clear. This seals the decline of the middle class and the [mediocre] life we grew up. It gets worse for our children, who will increasingly be marginalised and exploited.

How can a country extract itself from the treaty without being attacked by the US and the other vassals?

The only bright note is that the Magna Carta didn't hold, strong Sovereigns crushed it, but the myth of Magna Carta being about civil liberty has endured, even though it was all about the Barons freedom to exploit. Expect this saga to end with strongmen dictators seizing power.