Wednesday, November 4, 2015

John Jansen — Probe of Primary Dealers Widens

Via the WSJ: 
Federal prosecutors and the top U.S. commodities regulator have asked banks to turn over information in connection with a broad probe into whether their traders rigged auctions on government debt, according to people familiar with the matter.
Banks are in the process of providing details to prosecutors at the Fraud Section at the Justice Department, as well as investigators at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the people said.
Across the Curve
Probe of Primary Dealers Widens
John Jansen

1 comment:

mike norman said...

Of course they rigged. That's the only way these characters can make money.

It's just too bad we don't have the same real time social media trained on banks as we have on the cops. That showed how cops were, all along, brutes and liars. Such a network, if available, would show the banks and Wall Street in real time, ripping people off. Not that anything would be done about it of course, just like nothing is done about cops murdering people, but at least the truth would be out, plain as day for everyone to see.