Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Boyd D. Cathey — The Fake News Narrative and the Mainstream Media/Neocon Cabal

An alt-right view.

The Unz Review
The Fake News Narrative and the Mainstream Media/Neocon Cabal
Boyd D. Cathey
Boyd D. Cathey holds a doctorate in European intellectual history from the Catholic University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, where he was a Richard Weaver Fellow, and an MA in American intellectual history from the University of Virginia (as a Jefferson Fellow). He was assistant to conservative author and philosopher the late Russell Kirk. In more recent years he served as Registrar of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History. He has published in French, Spanish, and English on historical subjects as well as classical music and opera. He is active in the Sons of Confederate Veterans and various historical, archival, and genealogical organizations. Small sections of this article were originally published on the Communities Digital News website, April 16, 2014.


Noah Way said...

Media/Neocon/Neoliberal Cabal

There, fixed it for you.

Matt Franko said...

idk Tom for the alt-right you have to have an overt racial angle... they are racial/racist...

He puts 'cuckservative' in quotes this is not done by the alt-right...

imo for alt-right you have to stick to Richard Spencer and those DIRECTLY around him...

this guy using 'cabal' is somewhat coding the Jew-bashing but for alt-right, you have to be an overt Jew-basher... they make no bones about it...

Tom Hickey said...

The alt-right is nuanced. The characterization of all alt-right as "deplorables" is disinformation that proponents of liberalism aim at marginalizing them all.
Nationalism is not necessarily xenophobia and ethno-nationalism is not necessarily racism.

They may be illiberal, but a lot of people are either illiberal or bi-conceptual regarding it.

The Unz Review is considered alt-right, although they publish a range of views.

Tom Hickey said...

That may be but the establishment left is throwing as many into the deplorable category as possible by taring them as alt-right. Another paradox of liberalism.

The Trump team is alt-right but only a fraction is hardcore.

It's alt-right because it is an alternative to establishment conservatism. The populism of the right is alt-right by construction. They oppose the right that has been in power and failed to deliver for them.

Tom Hickey said...

BTW, the term alt-left is being applied to Bernie, Liz, et al as populist left, too. Some of the those doing it are trying to marginalize left populism.