Monday, August 3, 2020

ATOMIC BOMBINGS AT 75: Another Hiroshima is Coming — Unless We Stop It Now — John Pilger

Dire warning.

ATOMIC BOMBINGS AT 75: John Pilger — Another Hiroshima is Coming — Unless We Stop It Now
John Pilger

May not make a difference though.

Collapse inevitable within a few decades anyway.

Nature Scientific Reports
Mauro Bologna and Gerardo Aquino


Kaivey said...

I just read a critical article about China’s one child policy, which was apparently brutal with many forced abortions.

At the beginning of the article it stated how the Great Famine really worried the Chinese government with the runaway population growth that was out of control, compared to how much food they could produce.

Life isn't easy or fair.

Andrew Anderson said...

Collapse inevitable within a few decades anyway. Tom Hickey

"Yet 40 days and Nineveh is destroyed!"

Yet Nineveh repented and was spared for 120 years.

Likewise we might be spared it we repent sufficiently.

Matt Franko said...

Maybe close enough:

Peter Pan said...

Wear a mask - all will be saved.