Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bill Morlin — 7,000 Gun-Loving "Patriots" Living in an Walled Citadel Built Around an Arms Factory in Idaho -- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Far-right gun enthusiasts say they are planning to build a walled city in northern Idaho for “Patriots” who love the Constitution and hate “liberals, Marxists and blue voters.”
Building their very own insane asylum? I feel safer knowing that many of the extreme nutters are clustering together out in nowhere.

7,000 Gun-Loving "Patriots" Living in an Walled Citadel Built Around an Arms Factory in Idaho -- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Bill Morlin | SPLC Intelligence Report


Anonymous said...

Maybe they will all shoot each other?

Malmo's Ghost said...

Angry, more or less separatist folks, living under the law of the jungle in close proximity with guns is nothing new. Something already kind of exists like that around Louis Farrakhan's Chicago south side compound.

And now an ex con PLANS on a separatist compound of 7000 LIBERTY loving people (doesn't sound much like liberty to me) but only has a handful willing to go along at present. LOL.

This guy is a nutters nutter, and apparently even the nutters think he's full of it. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Art said...

Something tells me Ben Franklin would piss his britches laughing...

"The Citadel will be built as a fortified bastion of Liberty."

Unknown said...

Maybe an FBI sting?

miller B said...

"A key part of the plan is that the city’s inhabitants will have to remain ideologically pure, and could face expulsion or even trials for treason if they do not. That’s why they won’t be allowed to own property, only to lease homes.

“One of the primary reasons for a lease paradigm versus private property inside our walls is our desire to make the community for Patriots only,"

looks like they nailed it. feudalism and authoritarianism, the nucleus of libertarianism.

Roger Erickson said...

Distributed MICC jobs ... concentrated sales?

Weirdly possible variant.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'll have to go with the feudalism theory.

But how are they going to handle money? And if their banks are FDIC insured, isn't that hypocrisy out the yazoo?