Monday, August 12, 2013

Privatization Of Protection Rackets

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Lynn Wheeler: "20yrs ago, open security literature would have implied security procedures in place would have pretty much precluded a Snowden-type event ... but possibly with the privatizing of intelligence by for-profit corporations ... all that went by the wayside.

Private contractors like Booz Allen now reportedly garner 70 percent of the annual $80 billion intelligence budget and supply more than half of the available manpower?

Former head of IBM leaves and becomes chairman of Carlyle Group - which then does private equity buyout of Booz Allen.

The rest is history.  How Booz Allen Hamilton Swallowed Washington."


Is this a story of how Innocent Control Frauds went legit? The confluence of Innocent Fraud and Control Fraud? How serendipitous! Why is it that looters are the only ones willing to invest in the return-on-coordination?

Let's see, waddya get when you cross an Innocent Fraud with a Control Fraud? A little flock of NeoCons?

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