Friday, August 9, 2013

No Wonder They're So Keen On Lowering Tariffs & Expanding "Free Trade" Zones

Commentary by Roger Erickson

America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

Good idea. How 'bout we swap "Turd-World" Industries for 3rd-World Labor? Sounds like God's work for sure!

How? Hmmm, maybe our Middle Class should just remove all tariffs on TBTF turd-banking activity, outsource all of turd-Wall St to Grameen grandmamas with mobile phones, in "financial sweatshops", and finally disintermediate a domestic turd-industry that is more trouble than it's worth?

Stone 3 turds with one kill shot? (thrown by grandmothers?)

Buddha might approve of that Middle Way with Class.


Roger Erickson said...

Can someone please direct Larry Summers to the location of Turdistan?

Roger Erickson said...

a reader writes:

Here is a list of Layoffs by company you can post online. Offshoring.