Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alan Tovey — Juncker tells China to cut steel production or be frozen out of global trade club

What you fall back on when you can't compete.

If the West want a "liberal" free market and free trade policy, then it has no choice but to cut wages to Asian levels. 

Liberalism is the great thing since sliced bread — when it's you that winning.

As a matter of history, pretty much the same thing happened post-WWII. Japan rebuilt its destroyed steel industry, and the US was left with outdated plants that could not compete. Then Japan was the bad guy.

The Telegraph
Juncker tells China to cut steel production or be frozen out of global trade club
Alan Tovey


Roger Erickson said...

Might as well tell China to manage trade, or be cut out of the "free trade" club ... aka, the "Floating Fx" agreement. :( LOL!

Listening to these dimwits try to argue policy is like listening to a troupe of ballerinas trying to discuss ballistics ... or a troop of men trying to discuss pregnancy.

Matt Franko said...

"when you can't compete"

Maybe we should bring back slavery? Workhouses?

Tom Hickey said...

Maybe we should bring back slavery? Workhouses?

Have you looked at labor conditions in the emerging countries to which much of Western low-level manufacturing has been exported? That's the embedded labor we are using in our cheap stuff.

The neoliberal plan is to level wages and then when wages finally level and begin rising, to replace workers with automation and robotics. Because efficiency and profits.

This is the logical foundation of capitalism and it will proceed in accordance with its logic unless workers can change it.

Roger Erickson said...

What's the NeoLiberal plan to maintain aggregate demand? :)

Have automated destruction of automated production?

Back to digging & filling holes. What they claimed they were against, before they were agin' it. :(

Why don't they just automate the production of logical holes in their platforms, so they can circle them without even TRYING to think? :) LOL!