Friday, August 2, 2013

Outcome When Blind Economists Grope A Lucrative Oil Industry

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Former Fed governor says US economy should be growing at 3-4%

"[Same guy] Says problem is not enough drilling!" Warren Mosler.

Doh! Warren's tongue in cheek commentary hoists our tragic situation on it's own petard, invisible to the vast majority of victims, accomplices and perpetrators alike.

Sadly, most citizens are so far behind the times it'll take them 1-30 years to even catch on to what Warren is implying. We need some very fundamental change, folks.

If things are going to stay the same, everything has to change.

  Everything beneath the surface, anyway, and all the time!  As alluded to for Gandhi - and sociology, and neurophysiology, and muscular physiology, and cell biology, and thermodynamics too -  it costs a lot to [appear to not change].

We can't turn this fleet of Titanic's around overnight. It'll require even more than just going down to the steering compartment, and seeing how the rudder operations work. It'll also mean going back to the beginning of the crew and passenger education process, so that the next crop learns - as puppies, not old dogs - about the operations that steer Titanics, so that they will in the future demand that the fleet be operated so as to explore it's full group potential.


Unknown said...

Hard money and mercantilism go hand in hand.

Roger Erickson said...

right up until it hits [another] iceberg

then the clueless passengers pick themselves up, shiver, and say ... "Let's do it again"

seriously, you have to wonder about how many of us are even interested n improving outcomes