Saturday, August 17, 2013

Venimus. Vidimus. Et nos ipsi sagittarii in pede.

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Do YOU see any public purpose in this?

Hedge Funds Tripled Their Bets Against Treasuries Over The Past Week

Hedge Funds Are Just Casinos That Play With The Electorate's Fiat Currency Supply? "Fiat Accompli?"

Do these people - or our electorate - ever step back and examine the net outcome of what they're working on?

Divide and conquer ... what? Our distributed discourse, and hence ourselves? We've achieved cessation of thought. Fiat Accompli indeed. What was the reason for this campaign, Caesar?


Roger Erickson said...

Venimus. Vidimus. Non mittet in eam pes singulis in Silo. Immo omnes Silos sagĂ­ttent collectivum pede.

"WE" came.
"WE" saw.
"WE" DID NOT shoot each silo in the foot. Rather, we let all the silos shoot the collective foot.

Ralph Musgrave said...

I’m with Warren Mosler, who said that governments should issue no interest yielding debt at all. I.e. if the yield on those 10 year bonds rises any further, government should simply stop rolling it over. It should just print money and pay off holders of maturing debt. And if that’s too inflationary, government can raise taxes (and unprint the money collected). That would counteract any inflationary effect of the above money printing.

Roger Erickson said...

Whatever, Ralph.

Regardless of all the form ... every electorate should just adequately provision it's Middle Class? Any form of social Honey Pot can be accommodated, as long as it doesn't degrade the quality of a nation's distributed decision-making.

Lower a nation's functional adaptive rate, and it hardly matters what form you use.

We're talking policy FORM so much that we've lost track of what the function actually is.