Sunday, December 14, 2014

Branko Milanovic — Intelligentsia in power

I have just finished reading a short book by Nikolai Bukharin, “Economic theory of the leisure class.” It was published in 1914, exactly 100 years ago. His idea was a very good one. At the time of the rising, and seemingly victorious, marginal revolution which argued that value is determined by marginal utility and not by the socially-necessary labor, a Marxist, like Bukharin, took upon himself to reply to the Austrian school and John Bates Clark...
Some more history of economics.

Global Inequality
Intelligentsia in power
Branko Milanovic


Matt Franko said...

"Intelligentsia in power"


googleheim said...

Creative destruction is original to Marxist theory but used in Austrian school and by the tea potty