One of most pernicious means underway to crush independent news sites is the release of software tools that brand them as unreliable. This means that hidden developers and the parties that fed them information are beyond any accountability, yet would serve as censors....The plot thickens. And under capitalism, the push will be on to monetize this.
Naked Capitalism
Witch Hunt: “Fake News” Software Touted by CBS Smears Naked Capitalism, ShadowProof, TruthDig, Others; Creator Admits He Made Up Who Went on Hit List
Yves Smith
For those interested in the topic of "Fake News" etc., this is an interesting read.
A field guide to bullshit
The guy is a rationalist. It's a POV. All POVs involve assumptions and presumptions that function as norms.
This is a reason that censorship is a hot potato. One person's truth is another person's bullshit. Different foundations. Then there are the anti-foundationaglists, but that is a foundational option, too.
The quest for absolute criteria continues.
Good points Tom that's what I was thinking ... if the biases don't line up the one side says the other is fake....
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