Thursday, October 10, 2019

Episode 23: The Media’s Grim Addiction to Perseverance Porn

Perseverance Porn is a term invented by the people in this podcast to describe the idea of 'rugged individualism', which was invented in the 1980's and came from the American Dream myth.

This 'perseverance' narrative has been used by the right to counter all collectivism or socialist thought; the idea being that no one needs to be poor because all they have to do is work very hard and then they can make it, which throws all the failure to succeed back on the individual. In this way, the right believe that nothing should be done to help the poor because it's their fault. But the US has some of the worst social mobility statistics and socialist Europe has some of the best.

There are always going to be individuals that go from the very bottom to the very top, and some of this may be due to hard work, but luck and the law of averages also plays a major part. When a few individuals make it to the top it is then paraded as an example to the rest of us.

Episode 23: The Media’s Grim Addiction to Perseverance Porn


Matt Franko said...

Yo Darwin published his thesis in 1860... and libertarian philosophy was around long before that...

Matt Franko said...

Here from wiki: “On the Origin of Species (or, more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life),[3] published on 24 November 1859,”

Matt Franko said...

Wiki: “Elements of libertarianism can be traced as far back as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu and the higher-law concepts of the Greeks and the Israelites.[85][86] In 17th-century England, libertarian ideas began to take modern form in the writings of the Levellers and John Locke.”

Matt Franko said...

Kevin thinks Margaret Thatcher invented all this bs lol

Andrew Anderson said...

the idea being that no one needs to be poor because all they have to do is work very hard and then they can make it,

Except that with the current banking model, the rich are, by definition, the most so-called "worthy" of what is, in essence, the PUBLIC'S credit but for private gain.

But even if only Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein, etc. were to be deemed "credit worthy" it is STILL the PUBLIC'S credit - who no more deserve to be cheated whether they are talented or not.

Nebris said...

Once again Matt Franko proves he's a Randian Sociopath. And what's with all that ranting about 'liberal arts degrees'? Some artsy gal break yer heart back in collage?

Matt Franko said...

lol I’m am certainly not libertarian....

All you people would ideally be in the moron annex we would build at GITMO ...

Matt Franko said...

iow if you people didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have any of these economic problems they would quickly be solved by material competent/qualified people as that would be the only type of people who existed...

But what always happens is somehow you people worm your way into positions of authority in material systems administration... and we end up with all of these economic problems you’re always complaining about...

WE produce so much food we throw out half of our food... YOU morons then weasel your way into it and we end up with people going without food somehow..

Your existence has no material value... there is probably other value for you people but it is certainly not in the material realm...

You should just stay out of it... encourage others like yourselves to do the same.,,

S400 said...

“Your existence has no material value... “

But Matt Franko has? Laugh of the day!

Nebris said...

@ S400 ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜