Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus: People Will Die because this Government Wasted Time | Professor John Ashton

I'm not happy with Boris!

A slower infection rate would have given the country a better chance to cope with Covid-19. The shelves in the shops were empty yesterday, stripped bear, but the shops are rationing now, so it should be better.


lastgreek said...

Early and combined interventions crucial in tackling Covid-19 spread in China

The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively.

Study author Dr Shengjie Lai, of the University of Southampton, comments: “Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak

The Canadian government should have acted two months ago (see South Korea). The Canadian PM is just as irresponsible as the orangutans in the White House and 10 Downing Street.

PS: My wife's sister is stranded in Mexico (has a vacation home there). So, she Face Timed my wife yesterday, telling her that there are no available flights to Canada for at least two weeks. I happened to be standing next to my wife when she Face Timed her. There she was wearing a string bikini top. You know, I had never before noticed her "Dolly Parton" features. Interesting...

Peter Pan said...

China is responsible for unleashing this pandemic. They allowed the conditions that enabled its transmission, and if they hadn't wasted weeks covering up reports of an outbreak, they could've taken action that much sooner.

Ottawa was slow to respond, but health and safety is a provincial responsibility. Provinces that were closer to the outbreak in China (British Columbia) will come under greater criticism than provinces that are further removed (Nova Scotia). Geography and travel patterns are greater factors than administrative competence.

By most accounts, Taiwan is the model for the best coordinated response to the pandemic. Let there be some recognition for this 'renegade province'.

Kaivey said...

I read about the diseased ridden wet markets. Even Bill Gates warned about it.

S400 said...

Sure Chinese authorities could have manage things in the beginning much better. There’s an outrage at Chinese social media about it. And the authorities cannot delete all messages about it.
Together with the slow response the outbreak happened during Chinese New Years when humongous amount of traveling is taking place in China.

Knowing this and then looking at how the west handled it and it’s clear that there’s poor management in place. Clowns should work at circuses.

Matt Franko said...

“ Chinese New Years when humongous amount of traveling is taking place in China. ”

Yes... and all that happens at height of flu season in US...

Gonna have to quarantine from now on

Joe said...

When I read about Boris the other day, I thought "wow, this guy is fucking criminally insane."
Then moments later I read about what Bolsanaro's been doing and saying, and after I recovered consciousness I wondered "is he far enough outside of the people whom the global elite like for him to be tried at the Hague?"