Saturday, March 14, 2020

Craig Collins - Four Reasons Civilization Won’t Decline: It Will Collapse

It's not a very cheery article. I've been optimistic about renewables and fusion, but Craig Collins isn't.

The latent fear that civilization is living on borrowed time has also spawned a counter-market of “happily ever after” optimists who desperately cling to their belief in endless progress.  Popular Pollyannas, like cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker, provide this anxious crowd with soothing assurances that the titanic ship of progress is unsinkable.  Pinker’s publications have made him the high priest of progress.[1] While civilization circles the drain, his ardent audiences find comfort in lectures and books brimming with cherry-picked evidence to prove that life is better than ever, and will surely keep improving.  Yet, when questioned, Pinker himself admits, “It’s incorrect to extrapolate that the fact that we’ve made progress is a prediction that we’re guaranteed to make progress.”[2]


Craig Collins - Four Reasons Civilization Won’t Decline: It Will Collapse

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

John Michael Greer - decline
Craig Collins - collapse
Guy McPherson - extinction

Place your bets ~ hang your hopes