Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Italians Found Way to 3-D Print Key Ventilator Piece for $1 to Help Battle Coronavirus—So the Company With the Patent Is Threatening to Sue

There were people whose lives were in danger, and we acted. Period."

The manufacturer sells the part for £11,000, but they were out of stock so a couple of guys 3-D printed the parts for a dollar each instead. The parts saved the lives of eight people, but the manufacturer is threatening to sue.

After two Italian volunteers used a 3-D printer to manufacture a desperately needed ventilator component for those stricken by the coronavirus, the medical company with the patent for the device threatened to sue—even as the printed valves saved at least 10 people's lives in a hospital in the northern Italian city of Brescia. 

"There were people whose lives were in danger, and we acted," Cristian Fracassi, who along with fellow volunteer Alessandro Ramaioli made the valves, said in a Facebook post on Sunday. "Period."



Matt Franko said...

Now if somebody dies on their ventilator the survivors can sue them for wrongful death...

Peter Pan said...

Now if Italians can figure out a way not to bungle a pandemic, lives will be saved.

Matt Franko said...

Chinese brought it all in to Italy...

Peter Pan said...

...and Italian politicians ensured that it spread by announcing a lockdown, which sparked an exodus.

S400 said...

” Chinese brought it all in to Italy...”

Can be Italians who brought it in.