Saturday, March 26, 2022

Ukraine: The Elites’ Piggy Bank

Current MAGA breakdown of Ukraine situation with Bannon and Revolver News:

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Footsoldier said...

Can we have his view on China now please ?


lastgreek said...

Matt, on the Russian one-party-fascist-state tv, they are accusing Hunter Biden, who at the time was under the heavy influence of crack cocaine, along with the Jewish mastermind George Soros of secretly developing chemical and biological weapons in preparation for a Ukrainian invasion of Russia.

Question: How do the MAGA elite feel about sending crackhead Hunter to Russia to stand trial against such serious charges?

Footsoldier said...

Bannon is that stupid he thinks the US is losing the trade war with China

MAGA is infested with that type of thinking.

Two cheeks of the same arse.

When you vote in the US on the ballot should be simply Russia or China that's what voters should have the choice on voting for. Put a cross beside either one.

Because ultimately, that's what the names of those who are running for election means in the now one party nation state.

Footsoldier said...

MAGA is the pied piper of Hamelin of US politics

Piping the myths of the Heritage Foundation and drowning anybody who follows them.

Footsoldier said...

Listen to the pipes

Can you hear them?

Matt Franko said...

Greek, an examination of the hard drive from hell just getting started….

Matt Franko said...

Trump also dropped a big civil suit (finally!) this week… so a lot will be coming out of that legal process too….

Matt Franko said...

“ Can we have his view on China now please ?”

Decouple…. US populist/nationalist….

Matt Franko said...

“ How do the MAGA elite feel about sending crackhead Hunter to Russia to stand trial ”

Perhaps after he’s done with the criminal justice system here maybe.. but probably no extradition treaties with Russia.,,

lastgreek said...

I'll just add this excerpt from a recent Paul Street article in counterpunch:

"It has been darkly amusing to watch one Pavlovian “Enemy of Enemy is my Friend” buffoon after another among what CounterPuncher Eric Draitser calls those “terminally online leftists who push a pro-Kremlin narrative about [Ukrainian] Nazis” line up behind Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in the names of anti-imperialism and anti-fascism."

And I'll add that the depth of their buffoonery cannot be plumbed :(

Matt Franko said...

Just like EU now decoupling with Russia.., it’s really no big deal…

It’s probably in fact bullish US and EU….

lastgreek said...

You know, sometimes I don't know who here is being serious/sarcastic or what not.

Peter Pan said...

This blog leans pro-Russian, judging from the links and comments...

S400 said...

I”'ll just add this excerpt from a recent Paul Street article in counterpunch:“

Which has amazingly little content of value.
Buffoon projection.

S400 said...

on the Russian one-party-fascist-state tv…..

Ridiculous hysterical falsetto voicing.

lastgreek said...

Like I said, the depth of the hypocrisy/buffoonery of guys like you cannot be plumbed.