Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ramanan — Manmohan Violet Singh

Short summary of Indian Prime Minister Singh's relationship with Joan Robinson and Nicholas Kaldor while a student at Cambridge. Nice to know there is a bona fide Post Keynesian at the held somewhere.

Good to get some insight into India. Perhaps Ramanan will write more about developments there. While China seems to be the focus now, India is the elephant in the room with respect to the global economy. We need more good information on India.

The Case of Concerted Action
Manmohan Violet Singh

1 comment:

googleheim said...

Supposedly democracy in India was supposed to be so great in comparison to China in the context of famine - if there is famine in China the system does not share and people die. In India, if there is famine, people share for the common good.

And Amartya Sen gets a nobel prize

Is it true ?

India does favor keeping jobs but China requires it and pushes the peasant farmers out of the countryside and into the cities of fog.