Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Anna News — Erdogan sends 'Grey Wolves' to Crimea - A History Lesson

"Grey wolves" ("Bozkurtlar") appeared in the late 1960s as the youth wing of the far-right "nationalist movement Party", which proclaimed the goal of uniting all Turkic peoples in one state. Colonel Alparslan of Turkey led the organization, and was an open admirer of Hitler and Nazi ideas. The Turkish state, regardless of whether it has formally forbidden the "wolves" or allowed them to emerge from the underground, actively used them to suppress opposition and promote foreign policy. On record there are hundreds of crimes by "Bozkurtlar". They killed trade unionists, activists of the Kurdish movement, the Communists, objectionable journalists and officials and staged a mass massacre on may day demonstrations in Istanbul in 1977. It is believed that the crimes organized by the "wolves" death squads in the Kurdish areas consisted of thousands of civilians.
Active Grey wolves also operated abroad. They staged an assassination attempt on the Pope in 1981. Now they are actively collaborating with the terrorist underground in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region of China, considering it part of the "great Turan". In August of this year, "wolves" staged an attack in the capital of Thailand, in which 19 people died and 123 were injured. In Europe the wolves organize mass rallies in Turkey, they sometimes kill people in the Old World of the Kurds, and defile the monuments to the Armenians and beat up Chinese tourists. In recent years the "Grey wolves" focused on the recruitment of people for war in Syria on the side of ISIS.
In the post-Soviet arena, "Grey wolves" appeared immediately after the collapse of the USSR. In 1992, the organization's leader, Colonel Turkesh, met in Baku with the future President of Azerbaijan Abulfaz Elchibey. Later the wolves fought in Nagorno-Karabakh and on the side of the terrorists in Chechnya.
The fact that now the Crimean Tatar nationalists decided to cooperate with "Bozkurtlar", is not surprising, as well as the worsening of Russian-Turkish relations. It is known that our pilot, catapulted from the downed su-24, was shot by the son of the leader of the "Party of the nationalist revival" and the Commander "the Grey wolves", Alparslan çelik. As was stated in an interview to Aleksey Zhuravko, now, in the Kherson region, there are about 700 fighters of "Bozkurtlar". There are documented cases of attacks on local residents. In Kherson region the wolves are going to create some kind of "Tatar Republic".…
More news from the snake pit.

Fort Russ
Erdogan sends 'Grey Wolves' to Crimea - A History Lesson
Anna News
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

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