Friday, December 11, 2015

Brad DeLong — Live from Evans Hall: I would merely point out that the out-of-touch elite is not confined to the Republican Party.

Live from Evans Hall: I would merely point out that the out-of-touch elite is not confined to the Republican Party.
There are substantial elements within the Brookings-Third Way wing of the Democratic coalition that would rather cut Social Security than establish a sensible retirement-income system, and that would rather cut Medicare than improve the efficiency of health care finance and delivery, after all.…
GOP lite.

Grasping Reality
Live from Evans Hall: I would merely point out that the out-of-touch elite is not confined to the Republican Party.
Brad DeLong | Professor of Economics, UCAL Berkeley

See also
Must-Read: I would beg the highly-esteemed Mark Thoma to draw a distinction here between "inappropriate" and unwise. In my view, it is not at all inappropriate for Fed Chair Janet Yellen to express her concern about excessive inequality. Previous Fed Chairs, after all, have expressed their liking for inequality as an essential engine of economic growth over and over again over the past half century--with exactly zero critical snarking from the American Enterprise Institute for trespassing beyond the boundaries of their role.
But that it is not inappropriate for Janet Yellen to do so does not mean that it is wise. Mark's argument is, I think, that given the current political situation it is unwise for Janet to further incite the ire of the nutboys in the way that even the mildest expression of concern about rising inequality will do.…
Must-Read: I would beg the highly-esteemed Mark Thoma to draw a distinction here between "inappropriate" and unwise.

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