Thursday, March 12, 2020

Internecine Chaos

Treasury working to keep its account at the Fed as high and stable as practical, to reduce Reserve Assets at Depositories:

While the Fed is working to increase Reserve Assets at Depositories:

You have these two govt fiscal/monetary entities working against each other...

Who the hell is in charge?????


Tom Hickey said...

Who is in charge? The Fed is "politically independent." This is what you get then.

(Actually, as I understand it anyway, the president could direct the Treasury sec to take charge in an emergency. Attorney Carlos Mucha (beowolf) cited the relevant law some time ago IIRC.)

sths said...

its 500billion now. what does that mean?

Peter Pan said...

Hey Matt, the morons have made a decision.
They've decided to oppose Trump.
That it happens to be on a payroll tax cut, is pure coincidence.