Saturday, March 7, 2020

The (possibly lost) Coronavirus Opportunity — Pablo Pardo

Not specifically about MMT but this:
Now, Covid-19 could be a great opportunity for the United States and, also, for the world economy. With interest rates nearing zero, this could be a good opportunity to use fiscal policy to revive the economy. This is something that the defenders of the so-called Modern Monetary Theory, such as the former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, Olivier Blanchard, and also many banks, have been calling for for years, seeing how their margins are disappearing due to ultra-low interest rates.
While the author erroneously thinks that MMT is about low-cost financing of government debt, the article is most about using fiscal policy to address existing problems and emergent challenges, as well as addressing the inefficiencies in the US socio-economic system.

The Corner
The (possibly lost) Coronavirus Opportunity
Pablo Pardo, Washington DC correspondent of El Mundo

See also

Project Syndicate
How America Can Beat COVID-19
James K. Galbraith | Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin


Peter Pan said...

Just like the lost Malaria opportunity, politicians around the globe will resist the temptation.

Matt Franko said...

They just appropriated about 8b this week... saying more where that came from...

Why dont these 2 left wing loser morons just point that out?

not fitting with the "neo-liberal conspiracy!" theory?
didnt evolve from the apes by random chance?

what was the other explanation you guys go to all the time?

Peter Pan said...

Malaria kills 1 million people annually, and is treatable.
Year after year, an opportunity lost.
Will Coronavirus be any different?
We'll have to wait until the next news cycle.

Matt Franko said...

Bob if we can't figure it out there is NO WAY IN HELL the turd world is going to figure it out...

they just do whatever we do...

Their big solution to their malaria problem is to move to the US...

S400 said...

“they just do whatever we do...“

Well then then the US should start LETTING them do their own thing instead of regime change and putting clowns in charge to deal with.