Friday, November 6, 2020

Greg Palast tweet - Election

 It's amazing how a country can be so divided equally. KV

49.4% v 49.4%: Biden now leads Trump by 917 votes.

This election would be over if it wasn't for The Purge:

340,134 Georgians illegally purged before the 2018 midterms: 

340,134 Georgians illegally purged before the 2018 midterms:

198,351 Georgians illegally before #Election2020:


lastgreek said...

No surprise in the presidential election outcome. The whiny, sore loser himself saw the writing on the West Wing wall of the WH months ago:

"Bad things happen in Philadelphia. Bad things."

Yeah, like black Americans exercising their right to vote... lol

Forget the silly legal challenges pursued by the whiny, sore loser's lawyers. The real, serious legal stuff (or for me "the fun and entertainment") happens when, on noon January 20, 2021, he's dragged kicking and screaming out of the WH and then having to face Manhattan's district attorney ... and that's for starters ;)

Matt Franko said...

Hey Greek where was your great big “blue wave!”?

Blow Nate Silver lately much?

Peter Pan said...

Senate didn't change hands, so nothing will get done for the next 4 years.
If the Senate had changed hands, nothing would have gotten done for the next 4 years.

Win-win as usual.

lastgreek said...

California's vote count is about 10% outstanding. Biden's total votes should approach 80 milion. 80 million!

"Blow Nate Silver lately much?"

Stop projecting, Matt. It's unbecoming of you :(

lastgreek said...

Biden should consider offering Susan Collins a cabinet position. That will cause heart palpitations... for McConnell [snicker]

Peter Pan said...

Better stop fapping to Biden's imaginary popularity - you might injure yourself.