Thursday, November 5, 2020

Russian Federation Sitrep 5 November 2020 — Patrick Armstrong

VALDAI. Putin's speech is here. To my mind, other than the funeral crack, the most memorable bit was his strong defence of a mixed economy: when things are purring along, free enterprise does the job but in bad times you need the government. I'd say the last 20 years vindicates this point of view....
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Patrick Armstrong

1 comment:

Andrew Anderson said...

To my mind, other than the funeral crack, the most memorable bit was his strong defence of a mixed economy: when things are purring along, free enterprise does the job but in bad times you need the government. I'd say the last 20 years vindicates this point of view.... Tom Hickey

And I'd say you're lame at best for thinking government privileged usury cartels constitute "free enterprise."