Sunday, November 1, 2020

Unconditional job guarantee to be trialled in Austria, in world first — Jon Stone

Out-of-work people in Austria will be guaranteed paid jobs as part of a new trial policy that could transform how countries deal with unemployment.

The pilot study, which will eliminate long-term unemployment in the town of Marienthal practically overnight, has been designed by Oxford University economists at the behest of the Lower Austria’s department of work.

It will see all long-term unemployed people in the town, an estimated 150 individuals, given work in fields such as childcare, gardening or home renovations, and paid a full wage....
Pilot study in one town.


Ralph Musgrave said...

World first??? Pericles had a JG scheme up and running in Ancient Athens 2,500 years ago. Then there was the WPA in the US in the 19303.

Peter Pan said...

Participation is voluntary... and it is a mix of private/public jobs that will be created.

mike norman said...

Right on, Ralph!

Matt Franko said...

It won’t matter... the people doing this over there are scientific people they have a hypothesis and are testing it in this trial and will see if it works...

If it works they will want to implement it but the people in charge are Art Degree morons and don’t operate that way...

So the dialogic Art Degree morons in charge will just stick dogmatically to their thesis that it won’t work and not do it.,.