Friday, December 11, 2020

An Ominous Sign: Americans Have Begun Stealing Food To Survive — Daisy Luther

Rising use of food banks has been in the news for some time. Now it seems to be ratcheting up a peg. 

Hunger is where the shit hits the fan. It's way past high time to get ahead of this.

Zero Hedge
An Ominous Sign: Americans Have Begun Stealing Food To Survive
Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,


Peter Pan said...

Marginalized individuals have very little power. They are not a threat to the status quo.

When marginalized becomes mainstream, that is another story.

Jerry Brown said...

"Where do those hungry people go next?

It’s not a stretch of the imagination to think they might show up at your front door. "

I've had people at my front door asking for food recently. Even asking to do some yardwork for some food or money. It is not a stretch of the imagination that others will too. I try to help them out but I only have so much money and food myself. This is not a good situation.
Sometimes it seems that every other traffic light has someone out there begging for money. This is a wealthy nation? We have to do better than this.

Unknown said...

Poor people get ahead when two thirds of House Republican politicians back Trump's baseless claim the United State's electoral system is rotten to the core and the Supreme Court judges unanimously rule Trump's claim is a load of shit. Being judges they didn't stretch to "malicious shit" but you as a non-judge can read between the lines! Now what is this all telling you about the current state of the Republican Party? Ought to be telling you its part of the problem not the solution!

Peter Pan said...

It tells me that 2/3 of Republicans have no talent.

Peter Pan said...

The US electoral system is rotten to the core, and that's how the establishment likes it.

S400 said...

Unknowns hi jacking for his/her own agenda was not a quality act...

Greg said...

Sometimes it seems that every other traffic light has someone out there begging for money. This is a wealthy nation? We have to do better than this

You ar right Jerry

I call them the new toll roads. It’s disgusting. I’m not disgusted by the people doing it but by the fact that our “rich” “Christian” nation allows this to the level we do. I imagine that is the hardest thing to do....stand outside and hope someone stops to give you something. People who talk like it’s an act of laziness infuriate me.

I am so tired of our nation expecting people to rely solely on the goodwill of others, others who are all basically running on the treadmill just trying to not become that guy on the corner, instead of providing the proper basic needs for all citizens. Fuck charity

Charity has just become a way for privileged white people to ease their guilt about participating and mostly endorsing a cruel system. I give to our church and support the missions they do because the people in those mostly feel as I do that we should be supporting efforts to never have to provide basic needs for people in perpetuity. It’s one thing to rally around when a random weather event or health crisis afflicts a community or family but what is being asked of people now is to substitute for basic social services.

Just look at the fact that half our country almost are self centered, hateful bastards who love the idea of Trump, and his wanton cruelty to anyone that doesn’t bow to him, and ask if you want to depend on those idiots sense of decency when you are in need. They will laugh and spit on you if you’re not wearing a MAGA hat.

Imagine needing someone like Franko to actually have an ounce of empathy, you’d be screwed.... and he would be laughing

Peter Pan said...

If only there was a political party that shares your outrage.

Matt Franko said...

Hey Greg you say here:

“I give to our church and support the missions”

Ok respect... I’ll assume it’s a Christian sect... now here:

“ how did Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species present evidence that exposed creation and the Ark story as hopeless explanations for the animals alive today? Come learn how evolutionary biology and other scientific fields utterly sink this creationist boat!”

Ok then here from Christ himself:

“ As it was in the days of Noah”. Mat 24:37

Yo douche .., yo... Christ taught that Noah was REAL m-fer..., REAL....

How can you go to Christian church and at the same time be believing Darwin???? How????

Straighten yourself the fuck out moron.... straighten yourself out ...,

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Greg said...

Trump has the Christofascist cohort...... fixed it for ya.