Saturday, December 19, 2020

Crooks and Liars — Under Threat Of Lawsuit, Dobbs Suddenly Fact Checks His Voting Conspiracy Theories

 Looks like that threat of suit we linked to previously paid off.

Crooks and Liars
Under Threat Of Lawsuit, Dobbs Suddenly Fact Checks His Voting Conspiracy Theories

See also

CREW (7 Dec 2020)


Peter Pan said...

Fox News as a whole did not follow the conspiracy theories, and they were punished by their audience who stopped watching in protest.

lastgreek said...

Oh, what have we here?

News Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch receives COVID-19 vaccine in UK

And first chance Lou Dobbs gets, he'll get the vaccine too. He's no fool; he just plays one on tv.

And what is the πλανητάρχης (that's what the Greeks call the president of the US: "the planet ruler") up to? Let's look :)

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 2h

The entire WORLD is being badly hurt by the China Virus, but if you listen to the Fake News Lamestream Media, and Big Tech, you would think that we are the only one. No, but we are the Country that developed vaccines, and years ahead of schedule!

Who's is going to tell the grifter it was an international effort? Maybe you, Tom? ;)