Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The China Hack and How to Reverse It — Lucas Kunce

More blame others for one's own shortcomings rather than win-win strategy. However, for that one has to understand the system first and and then how to improve the design — rather than thinking nationalistically zero-sum.

The current moment in the historical dialectic of the world system is dominated decolonization, inequality and sustainability. It is in everyone's interest for the developed countries to assist in getting the rest of the world developed to approximately the same level in a sustainable way. 

But this article is probably predictive of US China policy under a Biden administration.

The American Prospect
The China Hack and How to Reverse It
Lucas Kunce

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

The goal of these mindset shifts—rejecting market mysticism, embracing society’s role in governing the economy, and developing the courage to lead—is not to reject our current system. The goal is to strengthen and revitalize a system that has begun to decay. We must adopt an industrial policy that modifies our economic coding to better harness the power of free markets and fix vulnerabilities like the China Hack.

In other words, commit to an unsustainable global economic order.

Biden/Harris can ensure a similar outcome by continuing the status quo. Trade with China + cold war geopolitics. For the elites, this is a win. What happens to the American people is of no concern to them.

This sort of doubling down suggests to me that the future of our species is local. National and supra-national institutions are on a suicidal path.