Sunday, December 6, 2020

The top 1% of households own 43% of global wealth, 10% owns 81%, while the bottom 50% have just 1%. — Michael Roberts

Just deserts based on marginal contribution or institutional bias?

Wealth is ownership of real resources (real wealth) and ownership as a claim on real resources (financial wealth).

Michael Roberts Blog — blogging from a marxist economist
The top 1% of households own 43% of global wealth, 10% owns 81%, while the bottom 50% have just 1%.
Michael Roberts

The colonial history of Africa still casts a shadow on development in the continent. This column uses a new geospatial dataset to study the long-term effects of colonial cash crop extraction in Africa. It finds that cash crop production had a positive long-run effect on local development in terms of urbanisation, road infrastructure, night-time luminosity, and household wealth. However, this came at the expense of investments in surrounding areas, which appear worse off today than predicted by precolonial factors. The legacy of the colonial economy in Africa was a negative feedback loop of weak institutions and spatial inequities....
Extractive colonial economies and legacies of spatial inequality: Evidence from Africa
Philip Roessler, Yannick Pengl, Robert Marty, Kyle Sorlie Titlow, Nicolas van de Walle 06

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

Tail end of a Bell Curve?