Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Triumphant Failure of Form Over Function: Formulaic Self-Assisted "Economic" Form vs Middle Class Adaptive Function

Commentary by Roger Erickson

How well are US citizens doing, in discriminating distributed form from net cultural function?

In our culture, the operations in various disciplines merge into the sum of Cultural Operations. Component parts of cultural operations include subdivisions such as currency operations, political operations, regulatory operations, etc, etc. To raise an electorate capable of making a functional whole greater than the sum of it's parts means preparing citizens able to adaptively discriminate the changing form of many operations from their changing local as well as global function.

Want to demonstrate to your kids a deep insight into the concept of FORM over FUNCTION? Just read past & current headlines to them, and explain the evolution of formulaic jargon so that they can translate between speech patterns of the varying eras.

Exhibit A, an example of function: 1934 Pecora Commission Report on banking fraud.
(We used to be able to get down to function. At least our grandparents could. It may look novel to you as well.)

Exhibit B, the re-emergence of Control Fraud form: 2011 REPORT By NATIONAL COMMISSION ON THE CAUSES OF THE US FINANCIAL Crisis
(Ah, the acrid smell of amplified volumes of decaying form. Sheesh! These commission members don't understand fiat currency "banking reserves" either? Either that, or they prefer that the public doesn't catch on just yet?)

Exhibit C, the latest Pyrrhic victory of form over function: The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI

1934 to 2013 - only change is that bank frauds moved upstairs into politics, so as to Control regulatory responses to their own self fraud?

Summary question. How does citizen fraud of nation differ from individual shooting of foot?

Answer: The two differ only in scale of action on the actors half-life. Distributed national half-life vs personal half-life?

ps: You might also want to introduce your kids to allegory. Ask them how many pinheads can dance on the gravestone of a democracy. Don't forget to mention all the rigorous yellen that can be packed into one summers of cultural decline ... into form over function.


Roger Erickson said...

"I have no interest in banking or bookkeeping. My interest is monetary policy."

Roger Erickson said...

Weepin' Buddha on a Decline! Just fire these people, and bring back serious public policy?

"these people"

"I believe it's more of a monetary policy sit'iation"

i.e., Not currency operations, or banking operations, or reserve-bank accounting operations?