Saturday, October 6, 2018

Bear Kosik — Why Trump Is Succeeding (and will continue to do so)

Trump's opposition still does not get that it is howling at the diversion while the real action is being accomplished with only a minimal effort to stop it. Who is the fool in this situation?


Konrad said...

“The simple reason why Trump’s opposition has been and will continue to be ineffective is that his opponents waste much of their political energy denouncing Trump’s manner, character, and other personal factors.”

Trump’s opposition is ineffective because they have nothing to offer except identity politics, Russia-gate, and Trump-bashing.

Does the opposition denounce the wars, or the surveillance state, or the housing price inflation? No. Does the opposition denounce neoliberalism and student loan debt bondage? No.

The opposition pushes feminism, militant man-bashing, gay rights, trans rights, etc. “You’re all sexist homophobic anti-Semitic pro-Russian deplorables!” This will not pay the rent, nor alleviate student loan debt, nor reign in the banks, nor boost salaries.

Most Americans are sick of this trash.

Meanwhile in Europe, more and more people are tired of being overrun with immigrants. Do leftist demand an end of the military and economic wars that create immigrants? No, leftists demand, “Open the gates wider!”

“I am at wit's end that the Democratic leadership did not learn anything from how Trump was elected.”

The Democratic leadership learned that they can get rich by promoting neoliberalism, while they use identity politics, Russia-gate, and Trump-bashing to keep the masses distracted and divided.

“I doubt the Democrats will win back the Senate.”

Of course they won’t, but leading neoliberal Democrats will keep their positions, which is all they care about.

Young people were enthusiastic about Bernie Sanders until he was torpedoed by DNC corruption. Now they see all politicians as hopeless.

Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the US Supreme Court. Thousands of women are weeping and howling. Why? Is it because Kavanaugh is an arch neoliberal who will go far beyond Citizens United? No, the stupid women are whining because some bimbo spuriously claimed that Kavanaugh got frisky with her in high school, decades ago.

Clint Ballinger said...

Konrad is on fire today! Excellent comments - can you blog that response so that I can post it everywhere??