Monday, October 8, 2018

Steve Roth - Two Big Questions About the Job Guarantee: God, Devil, and the Details

But at least two big questions remain largely unanswered by JG advocates, both of which cut to the crux of the program’s workability. They’re detailed questions about how the institution would actually work in practice: what the rules are, who arbitrates and enforces the rules, and how.
1. Can job-guarantee workers be fired? For instance, if they refuse to work (much)?
2. Who decides which employers and employees will have their wages paid by government? 


Steve Roth - Two Big Questions About the Job Guarantee: God, Devil, and the Details


Ralph Musgrave said...

Not very incisive questions by Steve Roth. Re “can JG workers be hired”, well the obvious answer is “yes”, if they’re a complete and total nuisance. JG advocates have always said JG employees can be sacked, haven’t they?

Konrad said...

I have a hundred questions about the JG that I have never received an answer to.

I would write those questions here, but it is blasphemy to question the sacred JG.

That taboo, plus the JG's vagueness, is why the JG cult continues.

geerussell said...

The Roth post is from over a year ago, I would hope the conversation has moved forward since then.

At any rate, those two question are addressed in Pavlina Tcherneva's Job Guarantee FAQ, #22 and #26.