Friday, April 17, 2020

Coronavirus Australia: Three different strains of virus identified by Cambridge University researchers

Could have Covid-19 originated outside of China?

Variant A is the “original human virus genome” and is closest to the “root of the outbreak”, researchers believe. It was found in Wuhan and is most similar to the type of virus found in bats.

COVID-19 is believed to have originated in horseshoe bats and transferred to humans via an intermediary animal such as a pangolin. The epicentre is thought to be a Wuhan seafood market.

Surprisingly however, researchers found the A variant was not Wuhan’s dominant virus type. Instead, mutated versions of A were found in Americans that lived in Wuhan and A-type viruses were also found in patients in Australia and the US.

Coronavirus Australia: Three different strains of virus identified by Cambridge University


Matt Franko said...

“ mutated versions of A were found in Americans that lived in Wuhan”

You guys should see if those “Americans” were really the Jokers henchmen.... he could have infected those henchmen fright before they left with the virus he got from one of Batman’s bats in the Batcave and sent them over to China to infect those people...

If eventually all of a sudden the Joker surfaces and tries to blame all of this on Batman you’ll know what is really going on...

Matt Franko said...

“These techniques are mostly known for mapping the movements of prehistoric human populations through DNA. “

What do they have a time machine? I thought the original DNA was no longer present in fossilized remains?

Matt Franko said...

Hey if they have a time machine why don’t they just go back in time to September and kill all the bats?

S400 said...

LOL! Matt Frankos Chinese accusations might not be true and he immediately start nit picking the message. No will to correction.

Matt Franko said...


What do you think maybe the Joker is behind all of this instead of the bat soup?

Matt Franko said...

And what about this Pangolin?

Ive never heard of him... you got Joker, Riddler, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, etc...

But Ive never heard of this Pangolin... maybe its the Penguin? they are just misspelling it?

S400 said...


Peter Pan said...

Where's the 5G strain?

S400 said...

G-strain only.

S400 said...

Bass strain.

S400 said...

“Three different strains”

Russian balalaika virus.

S400 said...

Thee strains- Balalaika - Putin

Russia behind the virus