Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dr John Campbell - Viral aerosol and surface survival

I wash my keys, wallet, credit cards and phone when I get back from the shops, as well as the food and door handles, etc. Dr John Campbell says he washes his phone as much as he does his hands.

C-19 can be partially aerosolized for up to 3 hours before it falls to the floor.

I have a fridge engineer coming around this Monday which I'm not looking forward too, but he will be wearing a mask and gloves, they told me. I will wait three hours after he has left and then wash the whole kitchen down. I will wear a mask and gloves, so I should be okay.


lastgreek said...

"fridge engineer"? Is that what you call 'em?

Here in the New World, K, we use the term "appliance repair man." This guy here was a very famous one ;)

Matt Franko said...
