Thursday, April 2, 2020

Michael Greger - Benefits of Flax Seeds for Inflammation

I thought this was excellent. Dr Michael Greger is a vegan and has no ties to any companies. Here he talks about the benefits of flax seeds.

Apparently, one tablespoon of flax seed a day is all that is needed, but you should grind it or buy it split as it will just pass through the body otherwise. It seems to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and it can lower blood pressure as well as drugs do but without side effects.

Should we be concerned about the cyanide in flax seed?


lastgreek said...

K, Michael Greger (and pardon my rudeness here) is a fool. The oil in the flaxseeds becomes rancid fast. You don't want that harmful rancid oil shit in your body.

Btw, rancidity is a problem with all nuts and seeds. So eat them sparingly or, even better yet, avoid them altogether because rancid nuts and seeds is the norm at your friendly grocery store:(

Bonus: When you buy Greek olive oil (if it's not Greek, you shouldn't be buying it in the first place -- because it's barbaric, you know; barbaric = bad!), do yourself a favour and check the expiry date on the container, or better yet the date that says when these batch of olives were pressed. Very important because olive oil goes rancid fast, too. How fast? Within a year after the olives are pressed.

Bonus 2:You don't drink, you don't smoke, you're active (walk, walk, walk, and pushups), you read the Russian novelists (especially Chekhov) -- you shouldn't have any health worries :)

Peter Pan said...

Kaivey, are you having health issues?

Kaivey said...

I do, and I might talk about it one day if I recover. It was caused by stress which triggered a painful physical illness. I'm having a good day today.

I'm going for my second cycle ride now and I'll probably be out for 1.5 hours, maybe even longer. I've been ill for 4 years.

Kaivey said...

I do buy a Greek olive oil. It tastes lovely and goes hard in the fridge. It's organic and seems to be the real stuff, not Mafia adulterated oil. Although there is no way of knowing for certain.

Kaivey said...

It's chronic, but not a terminal illness. I suffered it once before for 18 months and then I recovered. That was 20 years ago.

Joe said...

Supposed benefits aside. Here's a delicious flax muffin recipe.
Take a coffee mug and spray it with cooking spray. Crack an egg into it, then a 1/3 cup of golden flax meal. Put a teaspoon or so of whatever kind of sweetner you want, some cinnamon is good too. Add in 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of baking powder and mix. Put in the microwave for a minute twenty or so. Makes a delicious muffin.

Be sure to wash the mug IMMEDIATELY, otherwise some of the flax residue is fucking glued on.

Matt Franko said...

Keep up the exercise Kevin.... don’t go into booze or pharma...

Consider various forms of exercise...

Be well !