Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mnuchin’s insistence that America’s major airlines partially repay taxpayer funds

Maybe this is why Buffet sold his DAL and LUV at the bottom.... maybe he gets back in after this effective ownership  dilution by the govt is over... he normally holds through or even adds...


Mike Norman said...

Gov't as racket.

Shut down business by decree. Lend money with interest to allow them to "survive." Take ownership. Demand payback. This is mafia stuff.

lastgreek said...

Matt, the American airline industry is heavily subsidized by the government.

Matt Franko said...

No it’s not... the industry has to collect $bazillions in federal fees and taxes...

And has to pay $bazilliobs in gate fees to the Airports Authority..

Ralph Musgrave said...

I like this bit in the Bloomberg article: “Democrats in Congress have insisted their intent in the law was to offer payroll grants intended to keep workers employed.”

So what do those employees do when no one is flying: man check in desks at airports and deal with non-existent customers? If only Laurel & Hardy were still around: they’d do a good sketch about that.