Sunday, April 12, 2020

What does this physicist think of economists? — Jason Smith

Professional physicist (and amateur economist) Jason Smith ask professional economists some potentially embarrassing questions.

Information Transfer Economics
What does this physicist think of economists?
Jason Smith


Mike Norman said...

This is beautiful. Thanks for posting.

(Matt Franko?)

Matt Franko said...

I think its not the Discipline of Economics that is the problem, it is the METHODOLOGY that 99% of those in that Discipline are trained under...

You (Mike) dont have these problems and yet you have training in the Discipline of Economics...

So you cant say "the problem is Economics!"....

You though have been trained under a Science methodology Penn does it via a Science methodology... and UCLA does it as a MS in Economics too...

Science trains you to discard your own hypotheses that return false outcomes and desire the discarding of the theories of others that return false outcomes...

Problem is not "Economics!" per se... problem is the most common methodology being used there....

Matt Franko said...

Remember "Bankruptcy 1995" the book?

well I read that book in like 1992 ... then... 1995 came and went and not only was US not bankrupt we were going towawds surplus...

That is when I was able to call bullshit on all the debt doomsday morons ...

I could observe that authors thesis return a false outcome so having Science degree I was trained to immediately discard it... and eventually try to figure out how the system was really operating once I developed the interest...

The real problem today is the Liberal Art methodology and the permanent cognitive effects that training under that method results in... for people who then are put in positions of high authority in administration of our Economic systems...

they should be barred.. and none of this would be happening...

Peter Pan said...

Have you been able to explain why these false outcomes benefit the wealthy?

lastgreek said...

Do economists have even more hubris than physicists?

lastgreek said...

I have been following Jason Smith's twitter account for years now, and he constantly eviscerates/ridicules Trump and the right wing. Highly recommend ;)

Btw, he also took a well-deserved swipe at Maggie Haberman, saying that she's a stenographer for the Trump administration and not a journalist. Well, all I can say is that Maggie without the TV makeup looks very homely :(

Matt Franko said...

Smith sounds biased...

Matt Franko said...

“Have you been able to explain why these false outcomes benefit the wealthy?”

No I haven’t all their accounts are down as much as 35%...

Interest rates are zero....

It their account was at 100 then now it’s at 65 I don’t see any benefit no sorry ...

Matt Franko said...

Go ahead and post your conspiracy theory now....

Peter Pan said...

They have benefited for decades and stand to benefit when the economy is rebooted.

What is it about faulty economics that leads to greater wealth inequality?

Greg said...

This is best takedown of Trump I’ve seen. Brits are glorious in their barbs

So in what way is Jason Smith biased Matt? Because he has a negative opinion of Trump.? You have made the claim in another thread that you are completely unbiased. What does that even mean? We know you believe in being discriminatory, in the sense that one must choose, as opposed to taking the “artists” way out and trying to synthesize diverging opinions.

Matt Franko said...

"So in what way is Jason Smith biased Matt? Because he has a negative opinion of Trump.?"


you had to discriminate between Trump and Killary back in 2016...

So I discriminated for Trump as the economy would improve and we would start to draw down the GWOT...

So what point is there to be ad hominem against Trump now? He's president to at least January 2021... maybe beyond that...

I could see criticizing perhaps a Trump admin policy as non ideal and I do this ALL THE TIME here...

I have ZERO bias... bias is BEFORE-JUDGE... I do not before judge ANYTHING....

I look at the facts and THEN make a judgement...

Matt Franko said...

Greg Ive been here for over 10 years..

ALL during the Obama administration...

You can go back and look in the history here I NEVER crticized Obama with ad hominem.... NEVER...

Only time I criticized him directly was he did an C_SPAN interview when he said, and I quote "we're already out of money!"... ok I criticized him for that directly...

Plenty of other POLICY criticisms during Obama admin though ... QE... ZIRP... his idiot Simpleton-Bowels Commission, etc...

You guys are all politically biased ... NO VALUE ADDED...

Matt Franko said...

Here is perfect example of how stupid you guys are:

"“Back in 2010 they empaneled the Bowles-Simpson commission. They had their BS plan, it was to cut Social Security and Medicare, and Joe Biden was deeply involved in those negotiations.”

so now imagine these 2 stiffs going in to talk to Trump and say "well congratulations you won the election and have all of your wonderful public initiatives you want to do but youre going to have to cancel all of that because were out of money... so you cant keep your campaign promises were sorry... good luck getting re elected..."

Trump would throw those two m-fers out so f-ing fast their scrawny necks would (hopefully) snap..

But you biased assholes now are going to support Biden I'm sure...

Greg said...

I don’t think his attacks on Trump are adhominem they are based on what he’s done or failed to do. Calling him stupid is not adhominem attack, it’s a criticism of things he does, says and focuses on. Trump truly does not know what he is talking about much of the time, he doesn’t even read much of what is given to him..... BY HIS OWN ADMISSION! He needs to learn when to STFU !!

Just because the guy has always managed to land on his feet doesn’t mean he’s brilliant. He manages to bring enough people along with him to keep him upright. There is no doubt he has managed to persuade the easily persuadable..... the same people who can be persuaded to send money to a pastor cuz he’s gonna save them. That’s his most loyal demographic, plus angry white guys who think who think they should be able to carry a gun anywhere they fucking want to, tired of n!ggers getting everything and just like doing things to own the libs. Trump is a trollmaster

Now, I do think he will not be reluctant to do fiscally what is necessary this year but mark my words if he gets re-elected he will still find a need to “cut expensive entitlement programs” we can’t “afford” anymore like SS, and he will. Which is complete unnecessary bullshit.

Sorry, but Trump gets no credit for keeping a growing economy growing. I don’t give Obama total credit for growing economy during his time either, and certainly think he and many dems are too deficit/debt focused.

I think being a decent person matters, there is NOTHING decent about Trump.

Matt Franko said...

"the same people who can be persuaded to send money to a pastor "

That is really his secret weapon...

Im friends with a part time pastor guy who gets into some politics, he was signed up for the Ben Carson campaign here in MD for Evangelical outreach...

This guy has a pretty big nationwide mailing lists in the Evangelical world...

He says there are 60M in the Evangelical churches and only 20M of them vote...

If Trump can get a few M of those to vote (for him) its all over...

Watch how Trump is always appealing to the Evangelical community...

Just this past Sunday he was talking up this one Pastor from Texas and promoting him...

Talks up Jerry Falwell Jr... Franklin Graham... many others...

Matt Franko said...


"Jeffress is the pastor of First Baptist Dallas and a member of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board. He has been a staunch supporter of the president and has a history of controversial remarks."

Here this is a howl:

"During a 2011 interview on Trinity Broadcasting Network, Jeffress said the Bible claims “every other religion in the world is wrong.” He also suggested during a 2008 sermon that Mormons, Muslims, Hindus and Jews will be sent to hell."

Gotta love Christendumb LOL!!!

They are all signed up for Trump...

S400 said...

“No I haven’t all their accounts are down as much as 35%..“

Ignoring time line. Major fault. No science.

Peter Pan said...

Faulty economics that benefit the wealthy, increase inequality, yet no one says "This is unacceptable, you're fired!"

Is this ________ in a nutshell?
a) science
b) art
c) corruption
d) conspiracy!